Sunday 28 October 2007

Point Of View

It’s A Mom Thing

“I don't care who started it, I said stop!!!”

We’ve all heard that phrase before; I probably heard it a lot more than most. I have 3 siblings (2 brothers and a sister) and BOY did we ever get into some fights, in fact we still DO. Usually my mom would try to dispatch her form of justice and being the oldest I always felt that I should be pronounced innocent, but I usually wasn’t (Don’t know why that is???)

However, when my mom is annoyed/stressed out or just doesn’t have the time for us terrors (as we’re “fondly” called) she yells out the above statement. Once we hear it we all tend to grumble and mumble but most importantly we stop the bickering/argument. No-one wants to deal with a furious mom (sweatdrop).

Here are some other phrases you might have heard, I know I have:
· How can you have nothing to wear? Your closet is FULL of clothes!
· As long as you live under my roof, you'll do as I say.
· Don't use that tone with me!
· I didn't ask who put it there; I said "Pick it up!"
· Bored! How can you be bored? I was never bored at your age.
· I said CLOSE the door, I did not say SLAM it.
· I hope someday you have children just like you.
· What if everyone jumped off a cliff? Would you do it, too?

Moving on, I recently came across an article about moms and it got me thinking about the most important person in my life and guess who that is --- MY MUM. Now we might fight and argue or she might scold and lecture me, infact there are times when my mom just gets on my nerves BUT at the end of the day I think our Mom’s should be the most important person in our lives (or at least first 3). Here are some reasons why:
1. They will always defend us
2. They love us unconditionally.
3. They gave BIRTH to us (This is hard work I hear).
4. They teach us important stuff all through our life.
5. They always want to ease our burdens or troubles.
6. They are very protective (sometimes over protective, like MINE).
7. They carried us for 9 MONTHS !!!
8. There’s more but I think you get the general idea :-)

The simple fact of life is that our mom’s are always looking out for us, caring for us and are always there when we need them. So when next your about to argue with your mom how about you stop and consider all she’s done for you, and maybe try to see her side of the issue. Of course if your right then calmly try to explain your side of the story but note our mom’s tend to always be right (Don’t know how or why)

To wrap up here’s a very, funny and fantastic video I recently discovered. It’s called the “mom song” and I can tell you my mom loves this video.

If anyone requests it, I’d be willing to post the lyrics.

PS – Love to hear your comments and views. Or any other mom sayings you’ve got.


suchsimplepleasures said...

you've been eavesdropping at my house! those are the exact words i use on my kids!!! i mean...every single thing! and...i sound exactly like my mother did when she said them to me. oy!

Cheekymonkey said...

haha, my mom said the exact same things to me. guess mom's are all alike. LOL